
Display more than 20 items for Managed Metadata fields in Power Apps

1 min read

I wrote this blog article for Xylos.

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions.
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  1. Hi Ward,

    Thank you for this blog post. I had been looking for a work around to the 20 item limit for metadata in PowerApps for quite a while!

    In my case I am wanting the Flow to output only items from a specific path within a term set, for example only terms from “Path”: “Subjects;Design;Document Categories”

    What would be the most efficient way to limit the output down to those terms? I keep trying to figure out within the Get All Terms with Path step… or Select… but I just don’t know what I am doing enough, sorry to say.

    Kind Regards,


    • Hi Neil,

      You could use the filter action in Power Automate to filter out terms on the Path property after getting all the terms with GetAllTerms.

      Kind Regards,

  2. The numerous steps in your workflow are poorly explained. For instance, you’re setting the variable TermsetId to TermsetId_Value. What is TermsetId_Value, where is it defined, and how is its’ value set? Do I need to customize the Termset props JSON to match my term store somehow?

    • Hi Pete,

      Thanks for the feedback.
      The TermsetId_Value is the TermSetId from your termset where you are loading the terms from. In this sample the TermSetId_Value is passed from your Power App into the Power Automate as a parameter.
      Check the code snippet in step 3. You’ll see GetTerms.Run(“TermSetId”) there to call the specific flow we built from your PowerApp. The flow name might differ in your case of course.

      Kind Regards,

  3. Hi – i was nable ti import (error), are you able to please provide the ‘body’ of the steps as code snippets/text?


  4. Is there an alternative link to this blog post? It is linked all over the place as a solution to this problem but no longer exists on the site

  5. Hi Ward ! Your blog post does not seem to be on line anymore.
    Is there a way to have this information anywhere else ?
    Thanks in advance

  6. Hi Ward.

    Good job. I got the Flow from the Internet time machine ;-), and was able to import it. I’m currently struggling with the Path step. Does GetAllTerms method still exists? Because i’m getting the following error mesagge:
    Method \”GetAllTerms\” does not exist. Is there any other way, maybe using another Method. Thanks beforehand

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